Minutes -Wednesday 4th October 2023

Notes of the Meeting of Thorpe St Peter Parish Council held at the School Room, Thorpe Fendyke Methodist Chapel, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th October 2023.

Attended Meeting:
Clerk – Mrs L. Willoughby, Chair – Mr J. Taylor, Mr T. Hopper, Mr. J. Spence, Mrs. G. Willoughby, Mr. G. Wiloughby, Mrs. J. Rowson, LCC Wendy Bowkett, Cllr Sid Dennis.
Members of the public: 0
Public Forum:

Reports from representatives:
Lincolnshire County Council Councillor Wendy Bowkett – We are highlighting the issues of high blood pressure and the importance of getting your blood pressure checked regularly, which lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack. Many local pharmacies offer the service along with your GP in annual health checks, or they can be purchased very cheaply so you can do at home.
Lincolnshire businesses and young people will be further educated on the dangers of flavoured single use vapes. This comes after a new report shows there's still an uptake in the number of young people vaping, despite long term risks not being known. Government is considering the issue at present.

Winter Covid preparations are being made, covid 19 continues to be a challenge. The county continues to build vaccine immunity for vulnerable groups and the over 65s. You should be contacted by your surgery if you are eligible for the vaccine. 

LCC have confirmed that no local authority school in Lincolnshire are affected by faulty concrete.

Council agreed last week to give highways a further £10 million pounds from underspends in other areas to be able to do further works on our rural roads, this makes a total of £17 million on top of the original.

Councillor Sid Dennis – praised the NHS for their treatment as he is currently having treatment. One of his goals is to get funding for villages as he feels that Villages are not supported like Skegness, Mablethorpe. Sid would like Croft chairman to come meet us.

Council session
1.    To not apologies and accept valid reasons for absence:
Mrs J. Banham
2. To receive declarations of interest
3.  Minutes of Previous Meeting

It was Resolved: That the Minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th July 2023 can be signed as a true and correct record.

4.  Updates from previous meeting:
•    We received £500 grant money to go towards the cost of the Defibrillator batteries. Defibrillator batteries was replaced by clerk on 24th August. The Defibrillator batteries were purchased through Defibwarehouse.co.uk for £693.60.
•   Clerk is still having trouble registering for Internet banking. 

5.  To receive a report about River Steeping Steering Group
Heaven house and clough the reeds have been cut. Funding has been put in for bank strengthening the new cut banks. 
6.  Planning Applications & Decisions from ELDC
a. To consider planning applications validated since the last meeting of council.

There is none.
b. To note planning decisions received since the last meeting of council.
There is none.

7.  Highways:
•    Road closure Order - Culvert Road (Between 200m & 500m South of Steeping Road)
Period of restriction: 25/10/2023 - 25/10/2023 09:30 - 15:30

8.  o note correspondence received since the last meeting of council and consider any recommendations:
•    Wreath for Remembrance Day – Clerk to order a Wreath B for £20. It was agreed to donate £25. 
•    Garden Plot - The council have got information that the individuals are no longer living on the plot. The static caravan and touring caravan have also been removed from the land. I have written to both individuals to confirm that the rest of the requirements on the enforcement notice still need to be complied with, which is removing everything, so nothing is left on site. This is their last opportunity to comply with the enforcement notice. This is the Councils request that they comply with all of the remaining requirements within 8 weeks of the date of this letter (by 21st November 2023). If they fail to comply within the time specified, this is a continued offence which the Council will prosecute you for in the Magistrates Court. Furthermore, the Council will take direct action to secure compliance without further warning.
•    Land North of Station Road, Thorpe St Peter – They have been served an Enforcement Notice. They have until the 13th of November to comply with the requirements of the Notice. They must remove Double Decker, Static Caravan, Wooden Fence, and any other domestic paraphernalia including but not limited to deck chairs, flowerpots, fire pit etc. 
It was Resolved: Clerk to order wreath. 

9.    Facebook – Thorpe St Peter Parish page:
We discussed the pros and cons of having a Facebook page for the parish council. Admin will be Clerk and Gary Willoughby
It was Resolved: to have a Facebook page.  Clerk to set one up.

10.  Clerk Review:
Councillors are happy with the Clerk and have no concerns. Next clerk Review will be in 12months time. 

11. Finance:
To review and consider payment of accounts.
It was Resolved: That Council approve the payment of accounts.
•    Thorpe Methodist Chapel – Room Hire - £25.00
•    Clerk Salary - £150.00

12.     Any other Business:
Thorpe St Peter Church – A concern Parishioner has heard rumour that the Church has closed for services now. It was Resolved: That clerk to write a to find out what is happening with the church and to have an urgent meeting with Father Aiden. 
13.     To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council meeting:
•    Precept 2024/2025

Date and Time of next meeting is Wednesday 10th January 2024 at 7.30pm

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 20.50.

I certify these are a true record of the meeting held on Wednesday 4th October 2023
 Signed                                                                             Date

Chair Thorpe St Peter Parish Council