Agenda - Wednesday 10th January

Meeting of Thorpe St Peter Parish Council to be held in the School Room, Thorpe Fendyke Methodist Chapel, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th January 2024, Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Public Forum:
Reports from representatives:
a) Lincolnshire County Council

Council session
Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Taxpayer or an inhabitant of the area).
1. To note any apologies and accept valid reasons for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest
3. To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2023
4. To receive any updates from the previous meeting
5. To receive a report about River Steeping Steering Group
6. To receive a report from the Parish Council Engagement Session – East Lindsey
7. Planning from ELDC
a. To consider planning applications validated since the last meeting of council.
b. To note planning decisions received since the last meeting of council.
8. Receive and comment on any Highways Issues
9.To receive Clerk report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations.
10. Precept for 2024/2025
11. Finance
a. To review and consider payment of accounts.
12. Any other Business
13. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council.
Next Meeting to be: